

My Hexo Blog Decoration + March Summary

This recap was originally scheduled to be published before the Qingming Festival, but due to some issues, it is only being released now. Anyway, without further ado, let's get started!

Blog Update Again#

What you are currently seeing is a new page, right? That's right, from now on, the blog will be using a new name: "Starry Story · Magic Cottage".

This name comes from a dream I had before, where I saw the following scene:

  • I was standing under the starry sky, looking at the beautiful stars.
  • Suddenly, a star came towards me.
  • This star turned into light, and in the light, a cottage appeared.
  • The door of the cottage suddenly opened, and the one who peeked out was the cat girl I mentioned before - Xia Jiuling.
  • She said, "Ah, well, you found out... Actually, my cat ears are magically created."
  • Then she showed me some magic.
  • I kept exploring in her house until I woke up from the dream.

Because of this, my Q group has officially been renamed "Zhongxian Bureau · Starry Plan Chat Group" (but currently, this plan won't be doing any projects... If I have to say something, my blog can be considered... I guess?)

Returning to Wilderness Action#

Why is it called "returning"? Because I got into Wilderness Action in 2018. Then, due to my Xiaomi 4 phone breaking and other reasons, I quit the game for half a month. In 2019, when I came into contact with computers again, I played for a while but quit because of the low computer configuration at that time.

Six years later, Xiaoho's recommendation made me return to this game. I have to say, the feeling after returning is really different. I can get more than 2 kills in every game now (although when I play peacefully, my highest is 10-15 kills, and this week I only got one chicken dinner)

I have to put this game on the game page... but because the blog is being renovated, the game page hasn't been set up yet...

New Keyboard#

March 29th (Lunar February 20th, by the way, we usually celebrate our lunar birthdays here) was my birthday. My younger brother bought me a keyboard (purchased on Pinduoduo).
This thing looks good and feels good to type on, the only downside is that it doesn't have a screenshot key (I have to set Ctrl+Win+S for screenshots).

Getting into PJSK Japanese Server + Successfully Experiencing the "Value" of a Certain Chart#

I heard that the PJSK Japanese server updated its UI, and the gameplay feels different from the old UI, so I got the Japanese server. While downloading the data pack for the Japanese server, I told my friend who had played PJSK before, and this happened:
Okay, okay, the clown is actually me ( )
Then he recommended two charts to me:
I tried the Hard mode of one of these charts. Well, well, well, I finally experienced the "value" of this chart.

Then he said something meaningful to me:
Indeed, it's "simple". I glanced at it and almost got dizzy.

And that's it, there's nothing more.

Getting into SMMWE (Super Mario Maker: World Engine)#

I actually stumbled upon this thing before because I usually like to play Mario Maker 1 (using an emulator) and watch videos of Mario Maker 2 (because I don't have a Switch). Then, while I was watching Mario Maker 2 videos, I accidentally came across videos of SMMWE. I thought to myself, "Is there a mobile version of Mario Maker? Even though it's unofficial, I should give it a try."

So I tried it out. Let me put it this way, even though this thing is a "fan-made" creation, it successfully imitates the visuals of Mario Maker 2, showcasing the gameplay of Mario Maker 1 (sort of). But it's on mobile, and it's "fan-made," so I can understand...

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