

2024-04 Journal

First of all, I wish everyone a happy Labor Day (even though it's already passed), and I also want to wish everyone an early happy Youth Day on May 4th!
Now, let's get started!

Akilar Group Incident#

This incident was actually told to me by Xiaohe (I didn't know before Xiaohe told me)
After reading the store manager's article, I roughly understood that some group members forwarded chat records containing R18 content, which led to Akilar disbanding the group.
Akilar's announcement:
Emergency Notice Regarding Group Chat Change
Akilar's new group:
Akilar's Candy Store-New Group
Then on January 8th~~(not)~~(which is May 3, 2024), I joined Akilar's new group.

Joining Blogs·CN#

Blogs·CN is a platform located in China, dedicated to discovering and sharing "excellent personal independent blogs".

I wanted to join a long time ago, but that day the blog needed to be redecorated, so I didn't join.
Now that the redecoration is done, I can join.
I have already passed the verification process.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.