

2024-05 Journal

After a long time, writing the notes for month n before n+1...

Sudden Notification#

Notification from Blogger Circle
To be honest, when I saw this notification, I was both surprised and not surprised at the same time.
Because previously, the covers of my articles were generated by loliapi, and loliapi produced many borderline images.
I have already replaced a batch of header images and am preparing to reapply in half a year.
If the application is still not approved, then it will be very regrettable.
Originally, I wanted the management of the Blogger Circle to change the information of my site, but now it has turned out like this, I can only be more careful next time...

Site-wide npm Transformation Disaster#

While browsing through the friend circle of the links, I came across this article:
Hexo site-wide NPM Transformation: Accelerate your blog access through npmmirror
I couldn't understand the one by CyanFalse before, and even if I did, I didn't know how to write it QWQ
So I started installing this tutorial to do the site-wide npm transformation.
As a result, this actually slowed down the site loading speed, and also:
Error found in F12
I originally thought it was an issue with npmmirror, after all, the expert mentioned that NPM has already activated whitelist mode.
But even when I switched to jsdelivr and unpkg, the situation remained the same.
I had to cancel the site-wide npm transformation.
I'll go ask the expert later about what's going on...

Adding Ruffle to the Site#

Yes, I added Ruffle back to the site again.
Speaking of which, among the blog owners I know, I'm probably the most interested in swf files...
If you still don't know what Ruffle is, you can check out my article:
Ruffle Testing
(Unfortunately, it seems xLog can't import JS, otherwise I wouldn't miss the chance to import Flash)

That's all.

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